Urban Design & Masterplanning Chobham Manor

Project type

Housing, Urban & Estate Regeneration

What we did

Architecture, Development Consultancy, Urban Design & Masterplanning


London Legacy Development Corporation


Stratford, London



Tenure mix

Mixed Use


Winner - Best Scheme in Planning - National Housing Awards 2015
Winner - Built - RIBA London Regional Award 2023
Winner - Mayor's Prize - NLA Awards 2019
Winner - Best Landscaping Design - British Homes Awards 2023
Winner - Best Large Development - Evening Standard New Homes Awards 2022
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© Chris Winter

Chobham Manor provides 880 new homes, including multigeneration homes, with 75% designed for families and 35% as affordable homes new shops, community facilities, a nursery and 1,500m2 of open space.

The design draws on the best aspects of traditional London living, emphasising community interaction, and features homes with private terraces, balconies, or gardens. These elements, along with easy access to shared spaces, foster a sense of ownership, safety, and inclusivity among residents. Threaded through the centre of the masterplan are three linked linear greens which allow everyone to “Live by the Green”.

The project maintained a cohesive design, and had a positive societal impact from its early stages. Initiatives included an art engagement project and the appointment of 13 London Living Wage work placements for underrepresented groups in East London.

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© Chris Winter

© Chris Winter

© Chris Winter

© Chris Winter

© Chris Winter

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