Urban Design & Masterplanning Ashmere Garden Village

Project type

Suburban & Rural Housing, Urban & Estate Regeneration

What we did

Architecture, Urban Design & Masterplanning


Countryside Partnerships


Dartford, Kent



Tenure mix

25% Affordable, 75% private
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Simon Kennedy

Ashmere is a new housing development in Ebbsfleet Garden City. Set against the striking white chalk cliffs of a former quarry, the masterplan offers 2,600 mixed-tenure homes, a primary school, and a village centre with various amenities. The new homes aim to foster an inclusive, well-connected community, integrated into the wider new Ebbsfleet Garden City.

PRP was appointed as masterplanners and architects to reinterpret the UK’s garden city heritage in a modern context for the wider Eastern Quarry masterplan at Ebbsfleet. Established in April 2015 by the Government, the Ebbsfleet Development Corporation, as the planning authority, envisioned a high-quality, sustainable development that would leave a lasting legacy for the area.

PRP have delivered the Masterplan, Design Codes, and the first three reserved matters phases, creating a characterful development inspired by local heritage. The design thoughtfully integrates the site’s industrial history, transforming the gorges, bridges, and tunnels of former quarries into a sustainable environment for both current and future generations of Ebbsfleet Garden City. Influences from the Oast Houses and Maltings buildings of Kent’s hop-growing and brewing industry, local traditional villages, and nearby urban centres like Gravesend, alongside the striking chalk cliffs surrounding the quarry, have all contributed to creating a distinctly local character.

Scheduled for completion in 2033, the masterplan will include open green spaces, designated cycle and pedestrian routes, and a variety of community amenities. Its design prioritises the creation of people-friendly environments that are richly landscaped, accessible for pedestrians and cyclists, and well connected to new public transport routes, all aimed at promoting a sustainable and healthy living environment.

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Simon Kennedy

Simon Kennedy

Simon Kennedy

Simon Kennedy

Simon Kennedy

Simon Kennedy

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