Urban & Estate Regeneration Maiden Lane

Project type

Commercial, Housing, Urban & Estate Regeneration

What we did

Architecture, Urban Design & Masterplanning


London Borough of Camden


King's Cross, London


273 new homes with commercial and retail

Tenure mix

36% affordable, 27% intermediate rent, 14% private, 23% non-residential


Winner - Camden, Greater London - Civic Trust Award 2019
Shortlisted - Completed Award - Housing Design Awards 2018
Shortlisted - RIBA London Regional Awards - RIBA 2018
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The regeneration of Maiden Lane effectively completes the original 1970's masterplan of Benson & Forsyth. The scheme provides LB Camden with 273 new homes as well as new retail and workspace. 45% of the new dwellings are for affordable rent.

The design pays homage to the original architecture of the estate. New buildings complement the Corbusian geometry and tight urban grain of the existing, continuing the rectilinear form eastwards. An extended and improved network of private and public open spaces has improved permeability and legibility for pedestrians, and the dramatic York Way frontage gives the estate the public face that it deserves.

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