Projects 79 Mosley Street

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Boultbee Brooks Real Estate (BBRE)


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Adjacent to the Manchester Art Gallery, 79 Mosley Street is a Grade II Listed Building which sits within the George Street conservation area.

Despite its prominent position on St Peter's Square, one of the key civic spaces in the city, the building has been vacant for many years. Bringing the building back into active office use involved a number of options ranging from a light touch refurbishment to a facade retention scheme, all appraised with Manchester City Council and Historic England.

The preferred proposal includes the repair and refurbishment of the existing facade, including the removal of the internal structure, and construction of a new single storey mansard extension with roof top plant. The building will provide office accommodation on the upper floors and basement, and leisure use to the ground and basement, reviving the building and positively contributing to the lively urban environment in the heart of Manchester.

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